
У статті досліджено особливості сучасного стану розвитку міжнародної торгівлі. Охарактеризовано останні тенденції економічного розвитку країн світу з позиції глибини їх залучення до міжнародної торгівлі. Здійснено аналіз впливу обсягів торгівлі на економіку країн класифікованих за географічною ознакою, за ступенем інтеграції, за рівнем економічного розвитку. International trade occupies a leading place in the system of international economic relations. The specificity of the current stage of international trade is particularly evident in the analysis of its long-term trends, forms and methods. International trade has been an important driver of economic growth for many countries over the past quarter century. According to the world trade organization (WTO) and UNCTAD, international trade, as measured by exports at current prices, rose from $ 2376.3 billion. USA in 1980 to 22757,3 billion. USA in 2017. According to the International monetary Fund (IMF), the world's GDP increased 7 times over the corresponding period, from $ 1,1005.6 billion. USA (1980) up to $ 80439.2 billion. USA (2017) The processes taking place in the economies of developed countries have a significant impact on the economic growth of developing countries. It can be noted that trade affects the level of development of countries in different ways. The dynamics of export activity in different countries in terms of economic development is a clear proof of this. Moreover, the direction of impact may differ significantly if we take a more detailed systematization of States for analysis - for example, with geographical regions. For some regions with a high degree of integration and strong links with external markets, this impact is very significant. To identify the regions with the greatest dependence on foreign economic mechanisms of influence, as well as factors that affect a particular country, the following analysis is carried out: the main geographical and economic regions that have a high degree of dependence on each other are identified; the share of exports in the GDP of the regions is determined and its dynamics is studied. Calculations have shown that the share of exports in GDP for most regions is higher than 20%. And for the countries of South-East Asia, this figure is even more than 50%. The analysis of regions and integration associations according to the degree of dependence on international trade showed weak dependence in South America and OIL, moderate dependence – in the region of South Asia and high for the regions of the Middle East, East Asia, South-East Asia and the EU-28. Analysis of the impact of international trade on the economic development of the world, shows that the same factors have different effects on the development of the country's economy, based on the fact, firstly, the basic degree of development it has, secondly, the degree of integration in the country, and thirdly in what region it is located. It should also be emphasized that the mechanisms of influence on international trade are specific to each region.

Authors and Affiliations

О. А. Беззубченко, К. А. Бодрова


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О. А. Беззубченко, К. А. Бодрова (2018). ОСОБЛИВОСТІ СУЧАСНОГО СТАНУ РОЗВИТКУ МІЖНАРОДНОЇ ТОРГІВЛІ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету.Серія: Економіка, 8(16), 68-74. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-574646