Journal Title: Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 19
У даній статті розглянуто процес формування і розвитку багатопартійної системи Чеської Республіки. Автор досліджує основні тенденції партійно-політичного життя чеського суспільства. Проаналізовано також участь політичних партій у виборчому процесі та результати парламентських виборів. На основі вивченого матеріалу і особистих досліджень автор дійшов висновків, що в Чехії утвердилася функціональна партійна система західноєвропейського зразка. Доведено, що процес консолідації демократії в Чеській Республіці не є остаточно завершеним, оскільки на заключній стадії знаходиться етап консолідації партійної системи. The following article deals with the process of formation and development of the multiparty system of the Check Republic. The author investigates the main political tendencies of the Check society’s political life. Political parties’ participating in the election process and the results of the parliamentary elections have been analysed. It can be stated that political pluralism principals have been established in the Check Republic, promoting a transition from the single-party system to the multiparty system. Choosing an effective model of legal regulation of the political parties has assisted in party system establishment. Check legislators have managed to set such rules which ensured clear mechanism of separating the activities of political parties from big business groups, contribute to preventing excessive political system fragmentation and strengthening the most influential political subjects. Concerning the type of the voting system, its effectiveness for the party system should be mentioned at present. Despite that initially, there have been such rules in the electoral law that complied with international election process standards of organising and conducting democratic elections, there are several drawbacks in it. It concerns, first of all, the formula of transferring electors’ votes into deputy’s seats. Such a situation stimulates the Check political elite to the discussion regarding the search for optimal election system model. Based on material studied and personal research, the author has reached a conclusion that the functional party system of the western European type has been established in the Check Republic. The process of multiparty development in the country is nearly finished. It does not exclude the possibility of new parties’ appearing in the political arena, but they need time in order to gain prestige in the society. The Civic Democratic Party and the Check Social Democratic party have been the biggest political parties for a long time which have been the key rivals at the elections. However, they were not powerful enough to form the two-party system in the Check Republic as they could not form the government without the support of other subjects of political life. This statement is proved with empirical data received by calculating several indices. Indicators of these indices show that the Czech Republic has established a system of moderate pluralism, because, despite the country has a large number of political parties only some of them are represented in parliament and the government. The absence of the non-system opposition and strongly marked populist political parties is a positive factor.
Authors and Affiliations
Nataliya Maradyk, Michal Cirner
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