Osobowość starcza przyczyną niezdolności osoby do zawarcia małżeństwa
Journal Title: Kościół i Prawo - Year 2014, Vol 3, Issue 2
In 1983 Code of Canon Law, the legislator has concluded the new title of nullity of marriage – incapability of causes of a psychic nature. The scope of this title including also the incapacity arising from the senile personality. Article was devoted to explaining the notion of senility, indication of disorders associated with senility and their influence on the ability to contracting marriage. Senile personality is often a effect of nervous system diseases, particularly of the brain, therefore it would be desirable by declare cases for the nullity of marriage, to seek assistance of experts in the field of psychology, whose opinion will helpful in preparation of the definitive sentence.
Authors and Affiliations
Aneta Piątkowska
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