
Стаття присвячена функціонуванню системи вищої освіти на окупованих територіях Донецької і Луганської області у якості однієї з імітаційних ознак невизнаних республік. Аналізуються умови, за яких вища освіта у тимчасово окупованих районах Донецької та Луганської області перетворилась на інструмент гібридної війни РФ проти України, використовуючись з метою деформації соціально-політичної структури, послаблення та руйнації відповідних світоглядних і регулятивних цінностей і норм в окупованому регіоні, ментального відриву його від решти України. The article is dedicated to the problem of tertiary education establishments functioning in the occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions. Education is one of the focal points of the «republics’s policy», which are the states with limited recognition. The conditions under which the tertiary education in the temporarily occupied territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions turned into an instrument of hybrid Russian warfare against Ukraine is analyzed. Education is used to strain social and political structure, to weaken and destroy ideological values in the occupied region, to produce a mental gap between the mainland of Ukraine and the occupied territories. It is emphasized that the Russian authority in the East conflict zone creates a state system of social institutes, based on paternalism and populism. Such a system is traditional for this region and habitual for its population. Tertiary education is an example of such social institute. The Ukrainian population of the mainland and global citizenship view the «successful» functioning of the «DPR/LPR» tertiary education and its vague inclusion into the system of Russian tertiary education alternately in such a way. Foremost, it breaks the unified educational space of Ukraine. Scholars today argue that this problem is a challenge regarding the reintegration of the occupied territories. If financial, political, economic and other spheres of life can be more or less regulated by means of the law, educational sphere, and tertiary education in particular, encounters controversial moral issues including the collaboration of professors, existence of the captured and displaced Universities, their property and intellectual possessing, recognition of degrees etc. Secondly, this is a direct and systematic indoctrination of students and professors, who represent the most active and most conscious part of the population by Russian propaganda by means of educational program implementation, certification of the teaching staff, their compulsory lockup on the Russian intellectual product (impossibility to participate in foreign conferences and grants, inability to get published in the leading scientific journals etc.) Finally, «DPR/LPR» tertiary education acts out a performance of «Russian-speaking Donbas population» defense against «the Ukrainian junta oppression» that is intended to influence the world community.

Authors and Affiliations

Irina Gridina


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How To Cite

Irina Gridina (2016). ОСВІТЯНСЬКИЙ ФРОНТ ВІЙНИ НА СХОДІ УКРАЇНИ. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Історія. Політологія, 6(16), 199-208. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429046