Освоєння та інтенсифікація припливу вуглеводнів методом миттєвих депресій для розширення межі кондиційності колекторів
Journal Title: Мінеральні ресурси України - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 3
Запропоновано новий технологічний підхід і технічні засоби для його впровадження, що в компоновці з іншим випробувальним обладнанням здатні забезпечити освоєння та інтенсифікацію припливу вуглеводневої сировини з продуктивного пласта. ---eng--- In spite of favourable geological and geophysical descriptions at collectors mastering often enough get negative results. Reason of it is been low natural permeability of collector, which as early as a greater measure gets worse as a result of different factors action, above all things, penetration of filtrate and hard faction of washing liquid in the cracks ductings, cracks and microcracks of layer. Mastering of such collectors by the method of smooth start of well in work, as experience testifies, does not give positive results. It is necessary in such cases to apply other, more effective methods. One of them, most cheap and accessible, mastering of wells is by the method of instantaneous depressions on a layer the prototype of which is a method of variables of pressures, which was widely used in practice at mastering of wells, when with the decline of level in the operating columns of wave from a layer did not get. The lack of this method is impossibility of transmission on the layer of deep instantaneous cyclic depressions, able to delete from a layer the filtrate of washing liquid and it hard faction. In this time it’s takes place with absence now deep equipment, which would provide a transmission on the layer of cyclic deep depressions, created pressure fluctuation in an operating column. At creation of such depressions on a layer the gradients of pressures arrive at maximal values in a direct closeness from the wall of mining hole, that exactly in that part of layer, which is added kolmatacii in a most measure. Thus, as a result of high-rate of motion stratal flyuid from a layer there is partial destruction of breeds of near-backwall area of layer to the well, his pores are increased and clear up the surface of filtration of cracks and por from stoppings up materials. As a result of it permeability of near-well area of layer is increased due to it the debit of well is increased. New technological approach and hardwares is in this connection offered for his realization, that in arrangement with other proof-of-concept equipment is able to provide mastering and intensification of products wave from a productive layer due to application of instantaneous depressions on a layer method.
Authors and Affiliations
М. М. Рой, В. Г. Ластовка
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