اÙتØÙÙ٠اÙ٠کاÙÙ ÙÙربط اÙÚ©Ùرب٠بÙ٠ج٠ÙÙرÙØ© ٠صر اÙعربÙØ© ÙاÙÙ Ù ÙÚ©Ø© اÙعربÙØ© اÙسعÙدÙØ© " دراسة Ù٠اÙجغراÙÙا اÙاÙتصادÙØ© باستخدا٠Ùظ٠اÙ٠عÙÙ٠ات اÙجغراÙÙØ© "
Journal Title: مجلة كلية الآداب جامعة بورسعيد - Year 2023, Vol 25, Issue 25
ÙÙدرج Ù ÙضÙع اÙبØØ« ض٠٠اÙدراسات اÙتطبÙÙÙØ© Ù٠اÙجغراÙÙا اÙاÙتصادÙØ©Ø ÙÙÙعد اÙربط اÙÙÙرب٠Ù٠طا٠٠٠أÙ٠اط اÙشراÙØ© اÙاÙتصادÙØ© ÙاÙتÙا٠٠بÙ٠اÙدÙÙ.Ùجاءت دÙÙتا اÙدراسة Ø£Ùبر دÙ٠اÙÙط٠اÙعرب٠٠٠ØÙØ« Ø¥Ùتاج اÙÙÙرباء ÙاستÙÙاÙÙØ§Ø Ø§Ùأ٠ر اÙذ٠زاد ٠٠أÙÙ ÙØ© اÙربط بÙÙ Ù ÙظÙ٠ت٠اÙÙÙرباء Ù٠اÙبÙدÙÙ. Ø¥Ùا أ٠تÙزÙع Ù Øطات اÙتÙÙÙØ¯Ø ÙشبÙØ© اÙÙÙØ±Ø¨Ø§Ø¡Ø ÙاÙطاÙØ© اÙÙÙربائÙØ© اÙ٠ستÙÙÙØ©Ø Ø§Ø®ØªÙÙت بÙ٠اÙØ£Ùسا٠اÙجغراÙÙØ© Ù٠اÙدÙÙتÙÙØ ÙتÙجة ÙعÙا٠٠اÙتÙØ·ÙÙ ÙÙ Øطات اÙتÙÙÙØ¯Ø ÙÙÙعÙا٠٠اÙجغراÙÙØ© اÙ٠ؤثرة Ù٠٠د اÙشبÙØ© ÙاÙاستÙÙاÙ. Ùت٠ثÙت Ø£ÙÙ ÙØ© اÙربط اÙÙÙرب٠بÙ٠اÙدÙÙتÙ٠تØدÙدا٠ÙتÙجة ÙتباÙÙ Ùترات ذرÙØ© اÙاØ٠ا٠اÙÙÙربائÙØ© بÙÙÙÙ Ø§Ø ØÙØ« جاءت باÙسعÙدÙØ© ÙÙاراÙØ ÙÙ٠٠صر ÙÙÙاÙØ ÙÙ٠٠ا ÙÙÙع٠أÙÙ ÙØ© اÙربط ÙاÙتÙا٠٠اÙÙÙرب٠بÙ٠اÙبÙدÙÙØ ÙتÙÙ ÙتÙا ٠ستÙبÙاÙ. ÙÙ٠تد خط اÙربط ٠٠اÙ٠دÙÙØ© اÙÙ ÙÙرة Øت٠ش٠ا٠شر٠٠دÙÙØ© اÙÙاÙرة اÙ٠صرÙØ©Ø Ùجاء ٠عظ٠اÙخط ÙÙائÙا٠باستثÙاء Ù ÙØ·ÙØ© عبÙر Ø®ÙÙج اÙعÙبة ٠٠جÙØ© اÙجÙÙب بطÙÙ 20 ÙÙ . ÙعÙ٠اÙرغ٠٠٠ارتÙاع تÙÙÙØ© اÙØ¥ÙØ´Ø§Ø¡Ø Ø¥Ùا أ٠اÙجدÙ٠اÙاÙتصادÙØ© زادت ٠٠أÙÙ ÙتÙ.AbstractThe subject of the research falls within the applied studies in geography, and the electrician knits the growth of economic partnership and integration between countries.The two countries of the study were the largest in the nation in terms of electricity production and consumption; Which increased the salt between the two men and the news. However, the distribution of the generation stations, the electricity network, and the consumed electric energy, the geographical areas in the two countries differed, as a result of the localization factors of the generation stations, and the geographical factors affecting the network and consumption. and a third of that, they share the importance of gravity in electrophoresis; Which is what makes the relationship and electrical integration between the new, and its development in the future.The link line extends from Madinah to the northeast of Cairo, and most of the line came over the Aqaba crossing area from the south, 20 km. Despite this, challenges have increased from the coast.
Authors and Affiliations
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