Our experiences on retrograde intrarenal surgery

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2014, Vol 41, Issue 1


Objective: To evaluate outcomes of the cases who had undergone retrograde intrarenal surgery (RIRS) in our clinics. Methods: Outcomes of 100 cases who had undergone RIRS because of renal stones between February 2012, and May 2013 were retrospectively evaluated. Results: Study population consisted of 35 female and 65 male patients with a mean age of 36.81(1-76) years. RIRS was performed with the indication of rest double J (D-J) stent (n=1), and renal stone (n=99). Mean stone size was 15.26 (5-27) mm. Preoperatively, 61 cases (61%) had preexisting D-J stents, while 39 (39%) cases were stentless. Access sheaths were used in 86 (86%) cases, while in 14 (14%) cases the procedure was applied without using an access sheath. Mean operative, and fluoroscopy times were 52.72 (10-120) minus, and 57.32 (10-180) seconds, respectively. Postoperatively D-J stents were implanted in 88 (88%) cases, and 12 (12%) cases were stent-free. Mean hospital time was 1.3 (1-7) days. After one month postoperatively, stone-free rate was achieved in 87 (87%) patients. Clinically insignificant residual stone fragments (CIRF) 6 (6%), and residual stones 7 (7%) were also detected. The latter group consisted of cases with horseshoe kidney (n=1), pelvic kidney (n=1), and kyphoscoliosis (n=1). Also in two case procedure was terminated prematurely, because of blurring of the vision secondary to bleeding. Apart from these patients, any preoperative complication did not develop. During follow-up period, urinary tract infection developed in 3 patients with resultant renal parenchymal damage in one patient. In one patient, D-J stent migrated into ureter. Conclusion: Retrograde intrarenal surgery is an effective and safe technique in the management of renal stones. Key words: Kidney stones, retrograde intrarenal surgery, flexible ureteroscopy

Authors and Affiliations

Namık Hatipoğlu, Mehmet Bodakci, Necmettin Penbegul, Haluk Söylemez, Ahmet Sancaktutar, Murat Atar, Mansur Dağgulli, Yasar Bozkurt


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  • EP ID EP141764
  • DOI 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.01.0380
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How To Cite

Namık Hatipoğlu, Mehmet Bodakci, Necmettin Penbegul, Haluk Söylemez, Ahmet Sancaktutar, Murat Atar, Mansur Dağgulli, Yasar Bozkurt (2014). Our experiences on retrograde intrarenal surgery. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 41(1), 95-98. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-141764