Our external dacryocystrohınostomy results ın management of unsuccessful lacrimal surgery

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2016, Vol 43, Issue 3


Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the suc­cess rate of the external dacryocystorhinostomy (EX-DSR) in recurrences of dacryostenosis after unsuccessful dacryocystorhinostomy (DSR). Methods: In this study, we retrospectively examined the data of 52 eyes of 52 patients that underwent EX-DSR due to recurrences of dacryostenosis after unsuccessful dacryocystorhinostomy (DSR) between 2013 and 2016 in our clinic. Patients were divided into three groups accord­ing to the operations performed previously. Group 1 was composed of 16 patients who were previously operated by using EX-DSR procedure. Group 2 was composed of 15 patients who were previously operated by using endo­nasal endoscopic dacryocystorhinostomy procedure and Group 3 was composed of 21 patients who were oper­ated by using transcanalicular multidiod dacryocystorhi­nostomy procedure. The Surgical success was defined as loss of the patient’s symptoms and to provide anatomic patency after lacrimal irrigation. Results: There was no significant difference between groups in terms of demographic features (p >0.05). The follow-up duration of patients upon revision surgery was 7 to 29 months. The surgical success was obtained at 12 patients in group 1 (75%), 12 patients in group 2 (80%), and 19 patients in group 3 (90.5%) during this follow-up time period. When groups were compared to each other, it was observed that there was no significant difference between them in term of success rate (p=0.525). Conclusıon: EX-DSR is a successful surgical procedure in recurrences of dacryostenosis after unsuccessful DSR regardless from previous surgical methods. Key words: Eksternal dakriosistorinostomi, nüks dakri­yostenoz, epifora

Authors and Affiliations

Hacı Sağdık, Ferdağ Sakioğlu, Mehmet Tetikoğlu, Serdar Aktaş, Fatih Özcura


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  • EP ID EP118199
  • DOI 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2016.03.0703
  • Views 151
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How To Cite

Hacı Sağdık, Ferdağ Sakioğlu, Mehmet Tetikoğlu, Serdar Aktaş, Fatih Özcura (2016). Our external dacryocystrohınostomy results ın management of unsuccessful lacrimal surgery. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 43(3), 395-399. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-118199