Our vascular surgery experiences in Syrian civil war

Journal Title: Dicle Tıp Dergisi - Year 2014, Vol 41, Issue 4


Objective: Due to the ongoing civil war in Syria, numerous vascular injured patients are admitted to our hospital with gunshot wounds. In this study, patients who admitted our hospital, diagnosed with vascular trauma due to gunshot were evaluated with the respect of injury site, additional injuries, surgical interventions and outcomes. Methods: The study included 58 patients wounded in Syrian war and admitted to our hospital between 01.01.2012 and 01.09.2014. Results= There were 5.1% (n=3) female and 94.9% (n=55) male patients. Age range is 5-75 years and the average of age was identified as 28.61. In 12.1% (n=7) of patients with extensive tissue defects of the muscle-nerve-bone injury has been identified, despite the vascular interventions in these patients, 8.6% (n=5) of patients, the limb has been amputated. Totally 15.5% (n=9) of 58 operated patients died. Two patients died because of major vascular injury with intra-abdominal organ injuries. In one patient; infection induced sepsis and multi organ failure was detected. Six patients were lost due to hypovolemic shock as a result of late arriving. Conclusion: In patients admitted with gunshot vascular injury arrival time, the presence of additional injuries and the location of injury affect mortality rates. Key words: Civil war, vascular surgical, vascular injury

Authors and Affiliations

İyad Fansa, Celalettin Karatepe, Mehmet Acıpayam, Cem Lale


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  • EP ID EP163233
  • DOI 10.5798/diclemedj.0921.2014.04.0501
  • Views 109
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How To Cite

İyad Fansa, Celalettin Karatepe, Mehmet Acıpayam, Cem Lale (2014). Our vascular surgery experiences in Syrian civil war. Dicle Tıp Dergisi, 41(4), 690-694. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-163233