Outsourcing of the banking operations and the banking risk – gen-eral issue
Journal Title: Zarządzanie i Finanse - Year 2013, Vol 11, Issue 1
Within the last years the importance of the operational risk in banks has creased significantly, mainly due to advancing financial globalization in the free market economy, expansion of new bank products and services, expanded ac-tivity of banks in various areas of operation. The increase is also determined by continuous IT progress as well as the application of more and more advanced technologies. This article presents the links between banks’ entering into bank outsourcing agreements and the operational risk of such banks. The outsourcing agreements applied by banks create some threats to bank operation and simultaneously make the risk evaluation more difficult. Due to the increased list of activities that may be subject to the assignment, the scope of bank activities that may be performed outside bank by national and foreign entrepreneurs has also been increased. In view of the basic goal of bank actions, which is the safety assurance of the gathered financial means, the awareness of the risks related to specific situation is of significant importance. In this scope the risk evaluation of the bank activities seems to be crucial. This article also includes the importance and the rules of controlling outsourcing agreements. Additionally, the attention has been brought to the text of M Recommendation of Polish Financial Supervision Authority considering the management of the operational risk in banks, which also includes bank outsourcing.
Authors and Affiliations
Ewa Kowalewska
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