Ownership structure of a company and accounting earnings management
Journal Title: Zeszyty Teoretyczne Rachunkowości - Year 2019, Vol 2019, Issue 103
The objective of our study is to investigate whether the ownership structure of a company, including ownership concentration, managerial ownership and the presence of institutional investors, affects accrual earnings management practices. We first modelled discretionary accruals using the modified approach of Jones (1991), and then we built the model describing the relationship between discretionary accruals and elements of ownership structure of companies and control variables, determining regression using the least square method. We provided evidence of negative dependence between the magnitude of accrual earnings management and shareholder concentration. We do not corroborate the relationship between accrual earnings management and managerial ownership. The presence of institutional investors reduces the magnitude of accrual earnings management. We do not provide evidence that the presence of State Treasury affects accrual earnings management. We do not confirm that accrual earnings management is used for meeting or beating earnings benchmarks.<br/><br/>
Authors and Affiliations
Andrzej Piosik
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