
У статті проаналізовано ознаки синкретизму в «Поемі пісень» Ірини Жиленко, що відбито в композиційних особливостях твору, художніх образах, модифікації напрямів. Крім того, охарактеризовано сюжетну лінію, образну систему твору; декодовано авторські кольороназви та знаки-символи. The authoress reveals a tormented soul of the woman’s and mother’s fate comparing it to one of Saint Mary’s. The artist in words, I. Zhilenko equals this image with one of Saint Mary and Homeland. The image of mother-woman is perceived by the authoress as the utmost manifestation of the beauty of the earth as well as kindness, fair light, warmth of a heart and womanhood. The images of Mary and Saint Mary are seen by I.Zhilenko as a single image. Mary-Pokrytka (*pokrytka - seduced and abandoned girl who gave birth to a child) redeemed her carelessness which is hard even to call a sin as she truly loved a betrayer Roman, by sufferings that eventually purged her. The authoress’ view of the world presupposes that a woman with a child is the highest value – she elevates an image of a girl-pokrytka and compares it to the holiest image. The authoress does not use folklore elements directly – she modifies and diversifies them. A present work by Zhilenko demonstrates the synthesis of literature and myth, which is evidenced by a specific structure of a narrative, images inherent in folklore works (ballades and tales). Сitationality activates cultural aspect of the work; elements of intertextuality make the context wider through the use of post-modernistic esthetics (image borrowing, direct and hidden quotation). Сreative artistic mastership of I. Zhilenko lies in her ability to combine the folklore which dominates the poem and which is manifested at the level of main ideas, images, plot, lexical means, and poetics of modernism in particular of symbolism (which is a period of modernism). The title and the main idea of the work is in tune with the title and allegoric images of one of the Old Testament books which is «The Song of Songs». It is widely considered to be written by Solomon. In «The Song of Songs» the author harmoniously combines the elements of romanticism, modernism and post-modernism. Iryna Zhilenko is an adherent of romanticism, which is manifested in her eagerness to idealize the image, leaving all the unacceptable behind the description of reality. Moreover, like all the romanticists, she combines different genres, actively gives her personal estimation to the things described using commentaries, exceptional/meaningful images and stories. All the above-mentioned have enabled the author to create a topical yet symbolic piece of folk work. The active use of coloristics, symbolic signs, the fight between good and evil together with much attention paid to the fillings of main characters are the features of modernism used in «The Song of Songs». Post-modernism aesthetics is traced in the combination of different styles: humorous one (the image of protopope’s wife) and sentimental one (the image of Mary, pokrytka-martyr) as well as the use of intertextuality.

Authors and Affiliations

Karinnа Sardaryan


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Karinnа Sardaryan (2016). ОЗНАКИ СИНКРЕТИЗМУ В «ПОЕМІ ПІСЕНЬ» ІРИНИ ЖИЛЕНКО. Вісник Маріупольського державного університету. Серія: Філологія, 9(14), 44-50. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-429022