Pachydermoperiostosis - Touraine-Solente-Gole syndrome

Journal Title: Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii - Year 2006, Vol 23, Issue 2


Pachydermoperiostosis is a rare idiopathic hypertophic osteoarthropathy with unknown etiology. Pathological lesions involve both skin and the skeletal system. Literature data concerning symptoms, histopathological changes and possible triggering factors of this pathological entity were reviewed.

Authors and Affiliations

Anna Erkiert-Polguj, Agnieszka Żebrowska, Elżbieta Waszczykowska


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How To Cite

Anna Erkiert-Polguj, Agnieszka Żebrowska, Elżbieta Waszczykowska (2006). Pachydermoperiostosis - Touraine-Solente-Gole syndrome. Postępy Dermatologii i Alergologii, 23(2), 100-103.