Pałac Scheiblerów w Kwietnie i jego współczesna renowacja
Journal Title: Quart. Kwartalnik Instytutu Historii Sztuki Uniwersytetu Wrocławskiego - Year 2017, Vol 43, Issue 1
EWA GROCHOWSKA (Wroclaw), KRZYSZTOF STEFANSKI (Institute of History of Art, University of Lodz) The Scheibler Palace in Kwietno and its modern renovation The Scheibler family played a major role in the development of the Polish textile industry and it contributed to the flourishing of Lodz city at the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries. As the owners of the largest industrial estates in the city, Scheibler family had a few relatively small residences. They built their largest headquarters away from Lodz - in Kwietno (Blumerode) near Sroda Slaska in Lower Silesia. The palace was built by Charles Wilhelm Scheibler II and his wife, Anna Julia from Grohmann family, however other members of Scheibler family were also living there. It was built between 1891 and 1892, and its alleged designer was Carl (Constantin) Heidenreich, creator of the Ballestrem Palace in Plawniowice and the Schaffgotsch Palace in Wrocław. The family’s biography is not fully recognised until now. The edifice was erected in the style of late Dutch Renaissance and its interiors were richly decorated with varied forms. Reconstruction of the original state and design of the building was possible thanks to the collection of photographs taken by Eduard van Delden from Wroclaw in 1893, kept in the Provincial Public Library in Lodz. After the Second World War the palace was nationalised and since then the school was located in it. The furnishings were robbed, the interior severely devastated. After 1989, the object was sold in private hands. In the following years, the owners changed several times, and its condition was deteriorating. In 2012-2013, the new owner undertook a careful restoration of the building, bringing back the most representative interiors their original decor, following the archival photographs from the Lodz library. The palace in Kwietno is a positive example of restoration activities of a private owner.
Authors and Affiliations
Krzysztof Stefański, Ewa Grochowska
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