Paradoxes and gaps of Polish regulations on the use of assisted reproductive techniques
Journal Title: Family Forum - Year 2017, Vol 7, Issue 7
At the end of June 2015 the Treatment of Infertility Act was adopted in Poland. This legislation mostly refers to the problem of the use of assisted reproduction techniques (in vitro). Adoption of the law was considered by some experts to be a special moment. Finally, in Poland, the functioning of IVF clinics was regulated. The adoption of the Treatment of Infertility Act also met with criticism. Although the introduction of regulations concerning the functioning of clinics was considered as a positive action, however, it was also emphasized that legalization of these procedures would lead to the emergence of numerous problems. In Poland, in vitro – in recent years – has been implemented not only through the Act but also through the health scheme adopted by the minister of health and health schemes adopted by the councils of different cities (Częstochowa and Łódź). This paper attempts to analyse these documents. This analysis will refer to two key phenomena: a gap and a paradox. The aim of the presented reflections is primarily to show how the adoption of these rules can complicate the biological reality. The presented discussion and analysis will refer mostly to the Polish legislative reality.
Authors and Affiliations
Błażej Kmieciak
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