Paralyzing effect of sensory over-stimulation – case report

Journal Title: Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 2


This case study investigates the application of the psychotherapy for the five year old Douglas suffering from over-stimulation. First kind of over-stimulation was associated with excess of external stimulation from his mother and painful ear infections. Secondly, there was an excess of internal stimulation from an absence of any release of tension. At the beginning of the therapy his verbal and nonverbal communication skills were highly impaired. His actions did not encourage any further interaction. Furthermore he had some major language difficulties. After two and a half years of therapy it was possible to restart a fundament al human process of psychomotor integration of sensory stimulation.

Authors and Affiliations

Suzanne B. Robert-Ouvray


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How To Cite

Suzanne B. Robert-Ouvray (2014). Paralyzing effect of sensory over-stimulation – case report. Complementary & Alternative Medicine in Science, 2(2), 53-61.