Parametric vis-a-vis non parametric measures describing G x E interactions for salt salinity tolerant barley genotypes in multi-environment trials
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2018, Vol 10, Issue 2
GxE interaction to know adaptability of 19 salt salinity tolerant barley genotypes was studied by parametric and non-parametric measures. Genotypes KB1516, RD2907 and RD2794 showed minimum environmental variance over different environments. Superiority index identified genotypes RD2907 and NDB1445 with lowest value accompanied with higher. Wricke’s measure exhibited lower values of DWRB168, DWRB165 and NDB1445. Higher values of GAI showed consistent performance of RD2907, NDB1445 and RD2552. Non-parametric measures Si(1), Si(3) and Si(6) the considered DWRB165 and DWRB168 as desirable genotypes. Thennarasu’s first measure NPi(1) found DWRB168 and NDB1445 as desirable adaptable and KB1546, RD2907 and NDB1173 were unstable genotypes. Wricke’s parameter was positively correlated with NPi(1), NPi(3) and Kang. GAI had significant positive with Pi and Kang while negative with Si(6), NPi(2) & NPi(4). Worth to mention the negative association of Pi with Si(6), NPi(2), NPi(4). Non parametric measures Si (3) Si (6) NPi (2) & NPi (4) clubbed together while Kang, Wi 2, s2i ,Si (1),Si (2) ,NPi (1) & NPi (3) joined in another cluster. Left over parametric measures were grouped in two separate clusters i.e. (bi, S2xi ,CVi),(Yield, GAI Pi) respectively. Biplot analysis based on first two principal components showed three groups among the measures.
Authors and Affiliations
Ajay Verma, V. Kumar, A. S. Kharab, R Chatrath, G. P. Singh
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