Part-time occlusion therapy for amblyopia in older children
Journal Title: IOSR Journal of Dental and Medical Sciences (IOSR-JDMS) - Year 2018, Vol 17, Issue 11
Aim: To determine the outcome of part-time occlusion therapy in children aged 7-12 years with anisometropic amblyopia. Material and Methods: A prospective interventional study was conducted in which we analyzed 25 patients aged 7-12years of age with anisometropic amblyopia . The patients whose best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) did not improve by two lines or better within 2 weeks of wearing glasses full-time were prescribed occlusion therapy for 6 hours a day outside of school hours, along with the instruction to wear glasses full-time. Patients who complied with occlusion for more than 3 hours a day were considered to comply well. Results: The major component of the anisometropia was hyperopia in 15 patients (60 % ) and hyperopic astigmatism was found in 6 patients (24 %). The mean pretreatment BCVA 0.16 (Log MAR) and post-treatment BCVA 0.23 (Log MAR) .Post treatment visual acuity was measured at completion of 6 months and was compared with pretreatment visual acuity using paired t-test . The results showed significant visual improvement with p value <0.00001.Conclusion: The most common component of anisometropia detected after 7 years of age was hyperopia. The part-time occlusion therapy, which had been carried out after school hours, was successful in most cases.
Authors and Affiliations
Dr Mandeep Kaur
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