Participation of a teacher in criminal proceedings

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 6


The teacher as well as the specialist must have appropriate specialist knowledge and special training in this field. Special knowledge is a category, which means a set of knowledge with which the participants in the process of proof are usually not familiar (since it is impossible to comprehend the vastness). In the explanatory dictionary of the Ukrainian language, "special" is defined as "intended exclusively for someone, something, which has a special purpose". The purpose of the use of special knowledge is to obtain evidence from them, other information that is relevant for the proper resolution of criminal proceedings. The legislator does not define any formally determined signs of such interest, nor its possible manifestations. This is a situational concept and the decision of the question of the presence of a teacher who is invited to participate in the conduct of procedural actions involving the minor personal interest in the results of criminal proceedings, determined by the features of specific criminal proceedings. Among such circumstances, indicating the presence of personal interest in the results of criminal proceedings may include the presence of his friendly or vice versa hostile relationship with any participant in criminal proceedings, subordination, financial issues, feelings of envy, revenge, guilt, fear , etc. Thus, in our opinion, the following requirements should be presented to a teacher who is invited to participate in conducting procedural actions involving a minor: 1. presence of special (pedagogical) acquired as a result of obtaining a special education of knowledge and / or experience of practical pedagogical activity; 2. Person must professionally engage in pedagogical activities among minors or minors and to be on a post assigned to pedagogical workers; 3. the correspondence of the gender of the pedagogue of the minor's gender; 4. Adherence to the principle of teacher's lack of interest in the results of criminal proceedings.

Authors and Affiliations

Александр Анненко, Петр Зубаков, Olexander Annenko, Petro Zubakov, Олександр Анненко, Петро Зубаков


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How To Cite

Александр Анненко, Петр Зубаков, Olexander Annenko, Petro Zubakov, Олександр Анненко, Петро Зубаков (2017). Participation of a teacher in criminal proceedings. Lex portus, 8(6), 112-122.