Participation of city residents in the ongoing activities of public transportation providers

Journal Title: Przegląd Politologiczny - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 4


The organization and management of public transportation is one of the most important responsibilities of local authorities. In view of the dynamically changing conditions of modern cities’ transportation policies, actions in this area pose a challenge, involving the standardization of transportation and its adjustment to the transportation needs and expectations of residents not only of individual cities, but of entire metropolitan areas. One of the ways to tailor transportation to the needs of residents is to continuously coordinate on the basis of diagnosis and analysis of residents’ demands. Public transportation passenger councils provide a forum for exchanging views on this issue. In Poland, only the authorities of Warsaw have thus far decided to establish such a body.

Authors and Affiliations

Mikołaj Tomaszyk


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  • EP ID EP502602
  • DOI 10.14746/pp.2018.23.4.5
  • Views 69
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How To Cite

Mikołaj Tomaszyk (2018). Participation of city residents in the ongoing activities of public transportation providers. Przegląd Politologiczny, 0(4), 63-77.