Participation of European Union in UN 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea

Journal Title: Lex portus - Year 2017, Vol 6, Issue 4


The article analyzes the place of the 1982 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea in the hierarchy of sources of law of the European Union. Analyze of scientific works allows to classify 1982 UN Convention as an additional group of law of EU. Thus, 1982 UN Convention does not belong to the primary law EU, nor secondary law. Nether the less the statements of 1982 UN Convention are binding for both states and the EU. 1982 UN Convention allows to choose the procedure for the resolution of maritime disputes by the EU in accordance with this Convention. But there is a problem of not choosing this procedure by EU. The article analyzes ways of dispute resolutions within EU. The article examines the activities of the EU Working Party on the Law of the Sea (COMAR) and European Maritime Safety Agency which help to implement the statements of 1982 UN Convention. The article discloses the activity of EU for the implementation of maritime security based on statements of 1982 UN Convention. So, based on the 1982 UN Convention EU performs the operation ATALANTA to combat against piracy and armed robbery alongside the coast of Somalia since 2008 till now. Also, the EU performs the operation alongside the Horn of Africa and the western Indian Ocean (EUCAP NESTOR) and Critical Maritime Routes in The Gulf of Guinea Programme, Crimgo, since 2013. Keywords: United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea 1982, EU maritime law sources, EU maritime disputes, EU maritime policy, EU maritime security, the EU Working Party on the Law of the Sea (COMAR), European Maritime Security Agency.

Authors and Affiliations

Людмила Пашковская, Lyudmila Pashkovskaya


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How To Cite

Людмила Пашковская, Lyudmila Pashkovskaya (2017). Participation of European Union in UN 1982 Convention on the Law of the Sea. Lex portus, 6(4), 106-117.