Participation of the Community in the Decision-Making Process - Case the Municipality of Pristina

Journal Title: Traektoriâ Nauki - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 8


The community nowadays is defined as a group with a social affiliation, shared value, and interaction that links these members together. Participation of the community in decision making is considered essential characteristics of democracy and particularly of the local government. Thus local governments, through various democratic forms, seek to involve the community to be part of the decision-making process. Various studies and reports in Kosovo do emphasize that participation of the community in policy design and development is low. For this purpose, this paper aims to analyse the community’s participation of the community in the decision-making process with a particular emphasis on the municipality of Pristina. The research provides a holistic approach to community development in the municipality of Pristina, the level of participation in decision-making processes, forms of communication between local government and the community, and the impact of community development in drafting public policies at the local level. The methodology used here is focused on the different studies and reports on local government and community, and also on quantitative research on public opinion measurement as well. The overall results of this paper emphasize that although there are institutional mechanisms for participation in decision-making, there is a decrease in community participation in decision-making and in the process of drafting and developing local public policies.

Authors and Affiliations

Ferdi Kamberi, Bekim Baliqi


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  • EP ID EP417941
  • DOI 10.22178/pos.37-9
  • Views 63
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How To Cite

Ferdi Kamberi, Bekim Baliqi (2018). Participation of the Community in the Decision-Making Process - Case the Municipality of Pristina. Traektoriâ Nauki, 4(8), 5001-5012.