Partnership symbiosis as an effective factor of ecological, social and economic system stability

Journal Title: Економіка АПК - Year 2018, Vol 1, Issue


The purpose of the article is to substantiate ecological, social and economic efficiency of mycorrhizal partnership by determining its essence, characteristics and positive influence on ecological, social and economic system. Research methodology. There’ve been used dialectical method of cognition and systemic approach in scientific works of national and foreign scientists on research of the mycorrhiza phenomenon, using practical experience aimed at formation of theoretical and methodical foundations of the research. Research results. The expediency of using mycorrhiza for decreasing of the anthropogenic loading impact on the natural environment and renewing of the resource potential has been substantiated. For the first time, there’s been suggested the definition of the term “mycorrhizal partnership”, and its characteristic has been given. The positive influence of mycorrhizal partnership on fungi and plant nutrition, their development and resistance against unfavorable conditions and diseases have been proven. The influence of mycorrhizal partnership on the state and fertility of soil has been determined. For the first time, there’s been systematized the impact of mycorrhizal partnership on ecological, social and economic system, and also the structure of these effects has been determined taking into account certain principles. Elements of scientific novelty. The necessity of using the symbiosis between plants and fungi aimed at rational resource using and protecting the natural environment has been substantiated in the article. The definition of the term “mycorrhizal partnership” as mutually beneficial and agreed interaction between its participants (higher plants and fungi) has been suggested. There’re given characteristics of this partnership, including: multi-staging, mutual benefit, mutual dependence and good prospects. Practical significance. The results of mycorrhizal partnership for its direct participants (plants and fungi) and positive influence on soil have been determined. Using the synergic effect of this partnership, there’s been determined its positive influence on separate elements of ecological, social and economic system; certain kinds of impacts have been substantiated (ecological, social, energy, technological and economic). The principles of using mycorrhizal partnership in the ecological, social and economic system aimed at receiving positive results have been highlighted. Tabl.: 3. Figs.: 2. Refs.: 12.

Authors and Affiliations

Tetiana Chaika, Ilona Yasnolob


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How To Cite

Tetiana Chaika, Ilona Yasnolob (2018). Partnership symbiosis as an effective factor of ecological, social and economic system stability. Економіка АПК, 1(), 20-25.