Patient, client or... – the terms preferred in mental health services

Journal Title: Psychiatria Polska - Year 2011, Vol 45, Issue 1


Summary Aim. To analyse the patients’ and staff opinions on preferred terms in regards recipients of mental health services. Method. In 2008, 489 patients and 318 providers from one of Warsaw mental health services answered the survey on preferred terms in regards recipients of mental health services anonymously. Results. The term ”patient” was the most preferred, as well as by the recipients (77.5%), as the providers (87.7%) of the services. The second choice in both groups, however much less preferred was the term ”person with mental disorders” (respectively 18.2% and 22.3%) and indicated by the patients ”person using mental health services” (18.2%). The less preferred were the terms: ”user” (2.0% by the patients, 1.6% the providers), “beneficiary” (respectively 3.3%, 2.5%), ”client” (5.5%, 5%). The patients from day hospitals and community based facilities also favoured the term ”patient” (85.0% responders). In spite of staff occupation and number of years spent working in mental health services, the term ”patient” was the most preferred one. Conclusions. The term ”patient” was the most preferred one in the group of patients and service providers. The form of services provided did not differentiate the patients’ opinion in regards to the preferred terms. Occupation and number of years spent working in mental health services did not differentiate the providers’ opinion in regards to the preferred terms. Further dialogue on the preferred terms is needed, since they might empower or stigmatise.

Authors and Affiliations

Marta Anczewska, Piotr Świtaj, Justyna Waszkiewicz, Anna Indulska, Katarzyna Prot, Joanna Raduj, Maciej Pałyska


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How To Cite

Marta Anczewska, Piotr Świtaj, Justyna Waszkiewicz, Anna Indulska, Katarzyna Prot, Joanna Raduj, Maciej Pałyska (2011). Patient, client or... – the terms preferred in mental health services. Psychiatria Polska, 45(1), 35-44.