Patoinstitions, patoinstitutionalism and modernization of the Russian economy
Journal Title: Економічний вісник університету - Year 2016, Vol 1, Issue 28
Subject. Institutionalism as a scientific direction of economic thought emerged in the United States at the beginning of the XX century as a form of heightened monopoliticheskih display trends in the economy, contributing to the design and development of «antitrust» policy of their own country. To a certain extent opposed to the neoclassical institutionalism direction of economic theory. Purpose. At present, the author's opinion, it is necessary to consider the advisability of forming another scientific field within the institutional theory - the direction which we call «patoinstitutsionalizm.» As part of this scientific concept is planned to focus on the study of pathological processes in the institutional system and the institutions themselves (which can be called by analogy patoinstitutami). The use of this name due to the fact that the term «pathological process» derives from the Greek «pathos» meaning disease. Considering that in recent years at various levels of the social hierarchy frequent various crises that very painfully public, it appears that the development patoinstitutsionalizma is very important. Conclusions. The article describes how patoinstitutsionalizma promising trend of institutional theory, defined the nature and allocation criteria patoinstitutov through the prism of the possibility of using these concepts in the analysis of the factors and features of the modernization of the Russian economy.
Authors and Affiliations
Konstantin Pavlov
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