Pattern of fixed drug eruptions in a tertiary care teaching hospital Hi-tech medical college, Bhubaneswar, Odisha
Journal Title: IP Indian Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 2
Fixed drug eruption FDE is one of the common types of cutaneous adverse drug reaction This study was conducted to study the common types of drugs causing FDE and to find the management pattern of FDE in a tertiary care teaching hospital In this study we found that orindazole 24 and cotrimoxazole 20 had higher incidence of FDE Sixty eight percent of patients developed post inflammatory pigmentation The most common clinical presentations was black patch in 44 followed by bulla with erythematous patch in 20 of pigmented patches Topical steroids antihistaminic and oral corticosteroids were the common drugs used in the management of fixed drugs eruptions The most common affected site was lip in 333 followed by trunk in 21 The most common age group was 1120 year followed by 2130 year fiftyone cases were seen in maleKeywords Fixed drug eruption Cutaneous Adverse drug reaction Pigmentation
Authors and Affiliations
Binayak Chandra Dwari, Debjit Kar, Minati Mishra, P. K. Satpathy, Nalinikanta Tripathy
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