Pattern of Intradermal Antigen Sensitivity in Patients with Nasobronchial Allergy in a Tertiary Care Centre in South Kerala
Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2017, Vol 5, Issue 12
Introduction: The modern man is exposed to a large variety of allergens compared to his predecessors. Intradermal antigen testing provides a clinically useful method to understand the common allergens among patients. Identification of culprit allergens in patients with nasobronchial allergy shall aid in allergen avoidance and specific treatment. Aim: To study the pattern of allergen sensitivity in patients with nasobronchial allergy. Materials and Methods: In this retrospective study, the pattern of antigen sensitivity was analysed in 2048 patients with nasobronchial allergy who were subjected to intradermal antigen testing over a period of six years. A total of 34 antigens were tested which consisted of 16 pollen antigens, 8 dust antigens, 6 insect antigens and 4 fungal antigens. Results: Out of 2048 patients tested, 1170 showed positive reaction. 81% of the patients had asthma, 79.6% had rhinitis, 60.6% had both, 21% had cough and 6.26% had urticaria. Among those showing positive reaction, 75% had a definite history of allergy. Maximum number of positive reaction was seen with insect antigens belonging to house dust mite (27.25%) followed by cockroach antigen. The major dust antigen was cotton dust(25.12%). Among pollen antigens, Cynodon dactylis showed maximum number of positive reaction (12.99%). Aspergillus flavus and niger were the most common fungal antigens0020(both 4.44%). Conclusion: The commonest culprit allergens identified in this study was house dust mite followed by other insect antigens. The pattern of sensitivity may vary in different regions owing to geographical and environmental influences.
Authors and Affiliations
Parvathy Santhosh
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