Pattern of Menstruation and Health Seeking Behavior of College Going Girls in Latur City, Maharashtra


Introduction: Menarche, the signal of female fertility has both social and medical perspectives. The main concern is irregular cycles and pain during menses. Menstrual problems are generally perceived as only minor health concern and often neglected by the females particularly women in developing countries who may face life threatening conditions. Aim: To assess the pattern and symptoms of menstruation, and health seeking behavior of college going girls. Methodology: This was a community based cross sectional observational study undertaken among the girls of a polytechnic college. All the girls (n=252) of the college were enrolled in the study. Pre structured and pretested questionnaire was used as a study tool. The questionnaire included topics related to socio demographic information, pattern and problems of menstruation, advice sought for the problems, hygienic practices during menstruation. Results: Mean age of the girls was 17.11 (SD=1.40) years. The proportion of rural and urban background of the girls was equivalent. Mean age at menarche was 14.25 (SD=0.98) years. Pain in abdomen and weakness were the most common menstrual symptoms reported. Dysmenorrhoea was the leading menstrual problem. One fourth of the girls didn’t do anything for their symptoms while more than half of the girls sought help from their mother. Out of all the, 111 had regular menstrual pattern. It was statistically significantly associated with duration since menarche, p value = 0.015. Conclusions: Pain in abdomen and weakness are the most common menstrual symptoms. Health seeing behavior is not satisfactory. Out of 252 girls, 111 had regular menstrual pattern. It was statistically significantly associated with duration since menarche.

Authors and Affiliations

Holambe V. M , Thakur N. A , Wadagale A. V.


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Holambe V. M, Thakur N. A, Wadagale A. V. (0). Pattern of Menstruation and Health Seeking Behavior of College Going Girls in Latur City, Maharashtra. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF RECENT TRENDS IN SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, 8(3), 224-227.