Pattern of Musculoskeletal Affectation among Poliomyelitic Patients in Kano, Nigeria

Journal Title: Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research - Year 2014, Vol 2, Issue 8


Background: Poliomyelitis is a contagious and infectious disease caused by the polio virus. The disease has been eradicated from developed countries but still remains one of the most crippling diseases affecting children in the third world countries particularly in Nigeria. The purpose of this study was to determine the pattern of musculoskeletal affectation among polio patients in Kano metropolis with the aim of providing data that will help enhance and/or develop new rehabilitation strategies in the management of post polio syndrome. Setting: All rehabilitation clinics in selected hospitals; NOHD, MMSH, MAWSH and AKTH in Kano. Participants: Fifty patients (22 males and 28 females) with specific musculoskeletal affectations ranging from mild muscular atrophy and limb shortening to severe fixed flexion deformities involving the hip, knee and ankle joints were assessed in the study. Materials: Standard clinical tools; the goniometer used to assess the range of motion and the tape rule to measure degree of atrophy and limb length discrepancy and a scale; Medical Research Council muscle grading scale (MRC) to assess the muscle power. Results: Data collected was analyzed descriptively and inferentially using the statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS 15.0). The study showed that gender had no significant effect on the pattern of musculoskeletal affectation at (χ2 =2.402, p≤0.05). The study showed Fixed Flexion Deformity (FFD) of either the hip, knee or ankle joints accounted for 37(74.0%), limb length discrepancy on the other hand accounted for 47(94.00%), atrophy of the thigh muscles 47(94.0%) and atrophy of the calf muscles 46 (92.0%) of the total. The muscle power varied in each muscle group assessed ranging from (0 – 3) in general. the participants ranging from a flicker of movement, to movement of the limb against resistance. Conclusion: Poliomyelitis is a disabling disease affecting both males and females with equal distribution, majority of patient presents with lower limb affectation. Fixed Flexion Deformity compromised range of movement mostly of the knee and ankle joints of participants while only a few had that of the hip joint

Authors and Affiliations

Bashir Bello


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Bashir Bello (2014). Pattern of Musculoskeletal Affectation among Poliomyelitic Patients in Kano, Nigeria. Journal of Medical Science And clinical Research, 2(8), 2016-2024.