Peculiarities of changes in the value of land plots in the conditions of ensuring food security of Ukraine


The article examines the peculiarities of changes in the value of land resources in the conditions of ensuring food security of Ukraine. It has been established that the land market is recognized as one of the key components of the agricultural sector and plays an integral role in the formation of the country's food security. It was found that the highest prices for arable land and perennial crops are observed in Kyiv region, hayfields and pastures in Kharkiv region, and pastures in Cherkasy region. It was established that as a result of Russia's full-scale aggression against Ukraine, it was not possible to conclude more than 102 thousand agreements on the purchase and sale of agricultural land on a total area of ​​282 thousand hectares, with a total cost of UAH 11.5 billion. It was found that the highest activity of purchase and sale of agricultural land is observed primarily in the central regions of Ukraine, where the share of agricultural land in circulation exceeds 1%. It was established that the average price for 1 hectare of land in February 2022 was UAH 33,429 per hectare, and according to the results of May 2022, when deals on the land market began to be concluded again, the price was fixed at the level of UAH 37.4 until August 2022 showed positive dynamics, reaching UAH 43.9 thousand, and in September 2023, the average price was UAH 41,316 per hectare. It is established that the value of agricultural land is gradually increasing, where in 2023 the average price reached 35.4 thousand hryvnias per hectare, which is 13.5% higher than in 2022 and almost 22% higher than in 2021. It was found that the highest land prices are observed in Kyiv, Ivano-Frankivsk and Lviv regions. It was established that the market capitalization fell, that is, in December 2021, purchase and sale agreements were concluded for 936 million UAH, in August 2022 - for 74.2 million UAH, and in July 2023, we observe positive dynamics of market recovery - agreements were concluded sales by UAH 596.9 million, in August by UAH 611 million and in September by UAH 636 million.

Authors and Affiliations

M. Bratinova, V. Vakulenko


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How To Cite

M. Bratinova, V. Vakulenko (2023). Peculiarities of changes in the value of land plots in the conditions of ensuring food security of Ukraine. Scientific and Industrial Jornal "Land Management, Cadastre and Land Monitoring", 40(4), -.