Peculiarities of Development and Functioning of Transnational Corporations in the EU in the Conditions of Globalization


The aim of the article is to study the features of the development of European transnational corporations in the modern context of the global economy and competition with the United States. The paper presents the ratings of the most influential international financial publications and business associations on the role and nature of the impact of Europe's leading transnational corporations on the world economy. The study showed that their position in the world ranking is rather arbitrary, since differs significantly based on the edition, which made the rating, as well as on the basis of the index of the corporation, which was taken as the basis of such a rating. In general, EU's multinational corporations somewhat inferior to their American competitors, mainly due to the specific characteristics of their economic development, as well as slightly different approaches to the management of these industrial centers. It was determined that in the scale of integration in global economic relations in Europe the Britain is first, by the size of the development costs of high-tech products – transnational corporation from Germany and Switzerland.

Authors and Affiliations

Bohdan Dmitrishin


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How To Cite

Bohdan Dmitrishin (2015). Peculiarities of Development and Functioning of Transnational Corporations in the EU in the Conditions of Globalization. Центральноукраїнський науковий вісник. Економічні науки., 27(), 49-58.