Journal Title: Економічна теорія та право - Year 2016, Vol 4, Issue 27
Problem setting. The analysis of the situation points to the lack of compelling reason in order to categorically report about final overcoming of the negative consequences of a systemic global economic crisis. In such difficult conditions, Ukraine is facing an urgent task of successful integration of domestic economy into the global economic space, but with the mandatory provision of interests of national producers. The analysis of the qualitative factors of the modern market economy shows that the formation of the corporations in our country is in difficult conditions. In this situation there is an objective need for the creation and implementation of pan-European standards and regulations. Recent research and publications analisys. The question of the article is given a lot of attention from foreign and domestic lawyers and economists. In particular, the scientific and theoretical basis of research are works by scholars such as: D. V. Zadykhailo, O. M. Vinnik, I. V. Spasibo-Fateeva, T. V. Kashanina, O. P. Kibenko, I. A. Selivanova, V. M. Kravchuk, O. V. Shcherbina, N. S. Hlus, A. H. Bobkov, O. M. Davydiyuk, V. K. Mamutov, D. Daniels and the work of other scientists. Paper objective. The article purpose is to analyse and definition of possible ways of more effective implementation of corporate standards of EU legislation in domestic legislation in view of the implementation of the obligations defined by the Agreement on Association of Ukraine with the EU. Paper main body. The organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) in collaboration with the World Bank, the International monetary Fund and other international institutions initiated in 1998 the global programme for the creation of universal standards and norms of corporative management. These international standards should in the future (after they are accepted by governments, international organizations, business circles public and private sectors of the economy) to become part of national legislation. The process of borrowing legal experience of the European Union received the form of adaptation legislation in Ukraine. Adaptation is the law-making process of applying international experience in any branch of law and implementation of its provisions in national legislation. Conclusions of the research. Today, corporate law of Ukraine should focus on adapting EU legislation, taking into account national peculiarities of Ukrainian law. During the adaptation and harmonization of the corporate legislation of Ukraine and countries of Europe must be based on the General principles that apply in the legal systems of its member states. There are fundamental human rights, legal certainty, proportionality, equality, the right to be heard, subsidiarity, mutual trust and transparency. Short Abstract for an article Abstract. The article is devoted to the modern challenges of harmonizing and adapting national legislation to the corporate law of the EU. The author analyzes the legal regulation of corporate relations of the European Union. In particular, the genesis and the main trends of legal regulation of corporate relations are studied. The author identified possible ways of more effective implementation of corporate standards of EU legislation in the national legislation in the light of implementation of the obligations established by Agreement on Association of Ukraine with the EU.
Authors and Affiliations
Дмитро Ігорович Погрібний
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