Pedagogical aspect of social work in the light of Polish law
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2009, Vol 13, Issue 2
Social work faces various problems. Therefore, a pedagogical aspect of social work still seems to be relevant in the light of Polish law. Its origin comes back to the Ancient times BC, then on the ground of the Middle Ages AD ‒ within the Diaconate, i.e. service motivated by love to others. Henceforth, pedagogy of social work is based on Christian love, symbolised by „Caritas”. The pedagogical aspect of social work has also been included in the Polish laws. Pursuant to the act of 1923, social welfare became the foundation of future social work. „The service, being the synonym of social work, and earlier, the synonym of community work, has revived after 1990 as a characteristic and full of humanism motto, when as a result of social changes, the phenomena marginalizing or excluding from the society not only individuals but also whole social groups have increased” (Zbyrat, 2007, p. 10). First, in the act of 1990 correctly understood social system appears, along with a legal term of social work, and then in the act of 2004 functioning of social work in Polish society has been stressed, by carrying out so called social roles. Since then, the pedagogical aspect of the act has related to the examination of social work and a profession of a social worker not only from the legal point of view but first of all from the ethical one.
Authors and Affiliations
Beata Pyzik
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