Pedagogical conditions for forming future skilled motor transport industry workers’ readiness to apply innovative industrial technologies
Journal Title: Науковий вісник Інституту професійно-технічної освіти НАПН України. Професійна педагогіка - Year 2018, Vol 2018, Issue 15
The article substantiates the necessity to form future skilled workers’ readiness, in particular the motor transport industry, to apply innovative industry technologies and importance of studying appropriate pedagogical conditions. It is determined that the readiness of the future skilled motor transport industry workers’ readiness to apply innovative industrial technologies is a holistic personal education, characterized by motivational and value-based attitude, professionally significant personal qualities, complex of necessary professional knowledge and skills to ensure the use of innovative industrial technologies in professional activities. Its components are characterized: motivational-value, subjective, cognitive, activity-oriented. Modern scientists’ approaches to defining pedagogical conditions for various aspects of skilled motor transport industry workers training are analysed. Based on the results of the research, it has been established that pedagogical conditions for future skilled motor transport industry workers training foresee formation of students’ positive motivation to professional activity, using innovative pedagogical technologies, creating an appropriate educational environment at VET schools, and e-learning modalities use. The procedure is described and expert evaluation results of pedagogical conditions for the formation of future skilled motor transport industry workers’ readiness are highlighted, in particular, the priority conditions include: increasing students' motivation for mastering innovative industry technologies; updating training content with know-how knowledge and skills on innovative industry technologies, implementing methodology for forming future skilled motor transport industry workers’ readiness to apply innovative industry technologies, and creating an innovation-developing environment.
Authors and Affiliations
Leonid Romanov
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