Pengaruh Cyberbullying Di Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Reaktif Sebagai Pelaku Maupun Sebagai Korban Cyberbullying Pada Siswa Kristen SMP Nasional Makassar

Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2016, Vol 14, Issue 1


The purpose of this research is to understand the influence of the perpetrators of cyberbullying in regards to the behavior of the victims of cyberbullying for students. The students intended in this research are Middle School students from class seven to class nine because of their technological proficiency, and at this age, they experience physical and psychological changes, that bring them to a phase known as a transition stage, label, looking for their identity, and looking for a public figure. The research that was implemented was quantitative research, using a survey method that brought in a sample of results from as many as 40 students from SMP Nasional Makassar. The researcher chose this Middle school because these middle school students demonstrated technological proficiency. The results of this research prove the hypothesis that there is an influence between the perpetrators of cyberbullying with the behavior of Christian student victims of cyberbullying as significant as 0,037<0,05. As such, it is clear that the higher the reaction of the perpetrator, then the higher the reaction the behavior of the victim will be. The lower the reaction of the perpetrator, then the lower the reaction the behavior of the victim of cyberbullying.

Authors and Affiliations

Mira Marleni Pandie, Ivan Th. J. Weismann


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  • EP ID EP469090
  • DOI 10.25278/jj71.v14i1.188
  • Views 101
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How To Cite

Mira Marleni Pandie, Ivan Th. J. Weismann (2016). Pengaruh Cyberbullying Di Media Sosial Terhadap Perilaku Reaktif Sebagai Pelaku Maupun Sebagai Korban Cyberbullying Pada Siswa Kristen SMP Nasional Makassar. UNKNOWN, 14(1), 43-62.