Pengaruh Pelatihan Outbond terhadap Peningkatan Tim Kerja Guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah “Jb”

Journal Title: JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi) - Year 2013, Vol 5, Issue 1


This research aimed at finding the influence of outbound training to the Madrasah Tsanawiyah “JB”'s teacher teamwork. The subject of this research was all teachers of Madrasah Tsanawiyah “JB”. During the research, there were eight of 14 teachers that ever present in the whole training sessions. Meanwhile, the rest of the teachers did not attend the training due to their own personal agenda. The data was collected by using questionnaire of scale for teacher teamwork, and by observation using the anecdotal method and rating scale, and semi-structured interview. This research used the one group Pretest-Postest Design. In addition, the data analysis was conducted by using quantitative analysis of two related sample test with wilcoxon test and individual data analysis using visual inspection. This research found that outbound training can enhance the teacher teamwork. This was signaled by the team in the second week after joining the outbound training, in which it was found that Sig value was 0.018 (sig value < 0.05) meaning that the hypothesis was proven: there was a difference in teacher teamwork before (pre-test stage) and two weeks after the training (follow-up stage).

Authors and Affiliations

Rizqi Syafrina, Fuad Nashori, Ratna Syifa’a Rachmahana


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  • EP ID EP224652
  • DOI 10.20885/intervensipsikologi.vol5.iss1.art3
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How To Cite

Rizqi Syafrina, Fuad Nashori, Ratna Syifa’a Rachmahana (2013). Pengaruh Pelatihan Outbond terhadap Peningkatan Tim Kerja Guru Madrasah Tsanawiyah “Jb”. JIP (Jurnal Intervensi Psikologi), 5(1), 43-58.