Pengaruh Tingkat Usability Desain Responsif Webmobile Perguruan Tinggi Terhadap Persepsi Pengguna
Journal Title: VISUALITA Jurnal Online Desain Komunikasi Visual - Year 2015, Vol 7, Issue 1
Responsive web design is an approach that shows the design and development should respond to the user's behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation. Responsive design that is applied to the web colleges want to provide ease in interacting. To measure how a website can be an effective, efficient and makes users satisfied when interacting used usability theory. Besides the cognitive aspects can also affect the process of delivering information over the web. This study aimed to identify the influence of the mobile web usability responsive design colleges to the perception of users. Objects are five mobile web research universities, namely the University of Indonesia, Bandung Institute of Technology, University of March, Padjadjaran University, and the University of Indonesia. Quantitative analysis of the level of the fifth mobile web usability shows that the level of usability that is owned by a mobile web college affect the visual appearance of a web based user perception. Usability level of 67.1% impact on the perception of the user through visual display.
Authors and Affiliations
Fadliyani Nawir
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