Penile schwannoma- case report & review of literature


Schwannomas of the penis are extremely rare. Only very few cases were reported previously in English-language literature. We are presenting a case of a 62-year-old man with a 3 x 2 cm, slowly growing, painless tumor on the dorsal penile shaft without any other symptoms. Histopathological examination of the excised tumor revealed benign schwannoma and diagnosis was confirmed by immunohistochemistry S-100 protein. We also reviewed previously published articles on penile schwannoma to get a comprehensive picture.

Authors and Affiliations

Ira Mondal, Arnab Chaudhuri, Sristidhar Mangal, Dipanwita Nag


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  • EP ID EP263932
  • DOI 10.17511/jopm.2017.i2.11
  • Views 137
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How To Cite

Ira Mondal, Arnab Chaudhuri, Sristidhar Mangal, Dipanwita Nag (2017). Penile schwannoma- case report & review of literature. Pathology Update: Tropical Journal of Pathology and Microbiology, 3(2), 136-138.