Pension Calculation Models in European Social Security Systems
Journal Title: Revista Romana de Statistica - Year 2012, Vol 60, Issue 4
An often discussed theme is the pensions’ calculation formula. Even if there is no magical formula, the problem to choose the social insurance model through a software depending a series of system parameters. The analysis we make in this article is based on the study of applicable law in European countries and the synthese elaborated by MISSOC (The EU's Mutual Information System on Social Protection). This incursion into the social insurance systems of the main states of the European Union is at the base of realizing the scope of introspection of the modality to establish the formula of benefits, to elaborate a calculation formula in the saes in which studied sources ave not designed an explicit formula, to emphasize the factors that determine the level of benefits and the criteria to redistribute benefits.
Authors and Affiliations
Virginia CUCU, Florin Paul Costel LILEA, Ana (CARP) ANTON, Cătălina Claudia SAVA
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