Pentecostal Hermeneutics about the Separation of Spiritual Revival
Journal Title: Мultiversum. Philosophical almanac - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
The article investigates the Pentecostal Hermeneutics regarding the separation of spiritual revival based on the texts of the New Testament. In the writings of modern evangelical researchers, the positive achievements of the editorial analysis method are highlighted. In order to adequately isolate the theological meaning of biblical narratives, the editorial criticism tools, along with approaches in the field of literary analysis, are used. A peculiar consensus in the evangelical hermeneutics alienated the question of the assignment of narratives in the New Testament and the priority of the didactic texts over the historical ones. Luke, Paul and John differed in expressing their thoughts and putting theological emphasis. The New Testament authors testify to the diverse work of the Spirit in man, which Pentecostals share in the soterological and charismatic parts, using a variety of vocabulary, through which these actions are described in their books.
Authors and Affiliations
Mykhaylo Mokienko
Marcilio Fichino and the Florence neo-platonism
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