Perception of mobbing by employees
Journal Title: Zeszyty Naukowe Małopolskiej Wyższej Szkoły Ekonomicznej w Tarnowie - Year 2018, Vol 39, Issue 3
The work presents the definition of mobbing, as well as the types and characteristics of this phenomenon. The profile of the mobber and the victim are described, indicating the characteristic features of their character and typical behaviors. In addition, the causes and effects of mobbing are presented, as well as people and professional sectors particularly exposed to this phenomenon. The aim of the work is to assess the knowledge of the phenomenon of mobbing among employees. The questionnaire of the author’s questionnaire was used to conduct the research. The research shows that the atmosphere in the workplace is good or average, but also conflicts occur. Most often, mobbing actions against women were applied by the supervisor, less often by a colleague. In the case of men, half of the respondents replied that the mobbing was used by the employer, while the other half was the co-worker. As many as 80% of the women surveyed replied that the mobber was a woman, whereas the men unanimously stated that in their case mobbing was used by a man. The most common reasons for the use of mobbing behaviours were: a sense of superiority by the mobber, fear of losing position, achievement at work and jealousy. The research shows that the phenomenon of mobbing usually occurs in the health, transport, food and construction industries. Most of the respondents sought help in the matter of mobbing, while in a very small percentage this assistance was granted.
Authors and Affiliations
Anna Pecyna, Agnieszka Buczaj, Agata Blicharz-Kania, Piotr Maksym, Zbigniew Kobus
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