Perception of Poor People Regarding Changes in Social Aspects of Life after Resettling From Slum to Colony
Journal Title: National Journal of Community Medicine - Year 2017, Vol 8, Issue 1
"Introduction: Surat Municipal Corporation has been actively involved in shifting poor people from slums to newly constructed EWS AWAS under JNNURM. This study focuses on documenting perception of current AWAS dweller regarding various socio cultural issues after resettlement form their old slums. Aims and objectives: 1) To understand demographic indicators of population in EWS AWAS after resettlement. 2) To know their perception regarding various social issues they faced after resettling to AWAS. Methods: This cross-sectional study was conducted from June 2012 to March 2013. List of all beneficiaries available on website of slum upgradation cell of SMC was obtained. Using simple random sampling, 148 beneficiaries were interviewed using pretested semistructured questionnaire. Results: It was seen that child sex ratio was higher than overall sex ratio. BPL families were lesser than APL. Number of immigrants outlines local population. All families perceived that water supply, garbage collection as well as personal health used to be better in previous slum as compared to current AWAS. Unemployment was considered to be the major social problem. Conclusion: A little sense of separation and unsafe environment was noticed. Similarly, a good neighbourhood relationship was yet to be established even after two years of stay due to random allocation of flats. Social problems at EWS were no way different from those at original slums "
Authors and Affiliations
Saurabh R Parmar, MohhamedAnas M Patni, Abhay Kavishvar
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