Performance Comparison of Radio over Fiber System Using WDM and OADM with Various Digital Modulation Formats
Journal Title: UNKNOWN - Year 2015, Vol 4, Issue 2
Radio over Fiber (RoF) is a technology where light is modulated with radio frequency signals and transmitted over the optical fiber to facilitate wireless access and transmission. The convergence of wired and wireless networks is a promising solution for the increasing demand of transmission capacity and flexibility, as well as offering economic advantages due to its broad bandwidth and low attenuation characteristics. The full duplex transmission of RoF is accomplished by means of Wavelength Division Multiplexing (WDM) and Optical Add Drop Multiplexer (OADM), where WDM enables transmission of different signals through a single mode fiber over large distance and OADM permits transmission of both down-link and uplink data via the same single-mode fiber. The performance analysis of RoF system employing various line coding techniques and digital modulation formats has also been done. The simulation and performance comparison of RoF was done using Optisystem 12.0.
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