Performance evolution of turbo coded MIMO-WiMAX system over different channels and different modulation


The wireless communication is highly affected with the channel behavior. The uses of Multiple-Input MultipleOutput system and FEC code are most common in wireless standard for provide the fast and reliable communication. In this project Space-Time Block Coding (STBC) for Multiple-Input Multiple-Output (MIMO) set-up is used in wireless channels. In the special version of STBC called Alamouti code is used for exploiting the performance of MIMO in Adaptive modulation. The further improvement in error rate has been achieved using turbo code. The simulation of the system has been analyzed for different modulation schemes. The comparative result has been given in this paper.

Authors and Affiliations

Neha Pathak, Neha Bakawale


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Neha Pathak, Neha Bakawale (2015). Performance evolution of turbo coded MIMO-WiMAX system over different channels and different modulation. International Journal for Research in Applied Science and Engineering Technology (IJRASET), 3(6), -.