«Peripheral» miraculous icons of Kyiv Caves Lavra (late XVIII – early XX century): social aspect
Journal Title: Журнал Белорусского государственного университета. История - Year 2018, Vol 0, Issue 1
The paper deals with the scantily investigated problem of Kyiv Dormition Caves Lavra brethren’s features as communicators in the activity related to the «peripheral» miraculous icons (late XVIII – early XX). The dissolving of this problem can help to amplify the lore about the natural exercise of religious belief and social communications of the pre-informational period. The main sources are the inner conventual documents and the travelogues. The paper is based on the microhistorical approach, principle of historicism, synthesis, analysis and comparative historical method. For Kyiv Dormition Caves Lavrathe miraculous icons and their icing frames were also non-verbal sources of information about the especial status of these sacred objects. The Spiritual Council activity, connected with the icons, is an outcome of such perception. Normally the inhabitants of Kyiv Dormition Caves Lavra didn’t pay an equal attention to different objects of worship. The available sources limit possibility of social interaction between the brethren and the «silent majority» of prayers to be examined. The author sees a prospect in comparison of the existence of Kyiv Dormition Caves Lavra «peripheral» miraculous icons and of Baibuzy icon as well as of the holy relics particles available for veneration in Holosievo and Kytaievo hermitages.
Authors and Affiliations
Антонина Анатольевна Кизлова
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