Perspectives of UAS application for environmental monitoring on the example of lake Imlor
Journal Title: Бюллетень науки и практики - Year 2018, Vol 4, Issue 7
The oil and gas industry faces various technological difficulties: problems connected with hard-to-extract oil and gas deposits. Digitalization will solve many issues. The oil and gas industry is a key sector in its economy Russia and the increase in productivity of oil and gas deposits by means of using digital technology will increase the competitiveness in the global economy. This article describes the advantages of using digital technologies. The paper presents an analysis of data that allows us to draw conclusions on the use of unmanned aerial vehicles “drones” in a survey of hard-to-reach habitats. Lake Imlor is a specially protected area. Such monitoring technology of the surveyed territory allows to store data, and also to supplement this data as new information becomes available. The user of the card quickly receives the necessary information, has the ability to quickly process it and make the most accurate analysis. The study of this territory will allow to predict and avoid the adverse consequences caused by the impact of the oil and gas complex on identical territories in physical and geographical conditions. Creation of an information-analytical map with a database with the help of GIS allows identifying factors influencing the ecological and hydrological state of the sacred lake Imlor.
Authors and Affiliations
N. Didenko, I. Didenko, Тatyana Storchak
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