Перспективи розвитку правоутворення в Україні: комунікативно-інституційний підхід до аналізу


У статті встановлено актуальність наукового пізнання перспектив розвитку правоутворення в Україні. Наголошено на перевагах інституційно-комунікативного методологічного підходу до пізнання перспектив розвитку правоутворення в Україні. Проаналізовано та узагальнено стан наукового дослідження перспектив розвитку правоутворення в Україні. З’ясовано перспективи розвитку утворення права в Україні та проведено їх узагальнення в межах комплексу напрямів розвитку правоутворення, а також розкрито їх зміст. In the article the author establishes the relevance of scientific knowledge of the prospects for the development of formation law in Ukraine. The advantages of an institutional-communicative methodological approach to understanding the prospects for the development of formation law in Ukraine are noted. The analysis and generalization of the state of the scientific study of the prospects for the development of formation law in Ukraine. Law - a phenomenon which is closely linked with the humanas, his ability to think, the perception of legal norms, to interpret, manage their behavior, the ability to create law and ensure its implementation, etc., law-making is not possible without such a subject as a person. That person is the subject of separate law-making, ensures the formation of factors law-making, provides their expression and analysis initiates and defines the process making law through the prism of their own behavior determines the quality of law. However, the state of scientific development regularities the phenomenon of humanas as the subject of law-making is sporadic, inconsistent coverage, demonstrates a lack of understanding of the concept of a single humanas, his status, role and value of interaction with other people, their associations and society in the law-making process. Therefore, the relevance of scientific knowledge of human subjects predetermined law-making. Potential human knowledge through the prism of its participation in the formation of law, its role and importance, impact on law-making; the state of scientific knowledge of law-making subjects, including the role, status of a person as an independent entity law-making; the place and role of human as subjects in the system law-making their variable nature, the tendency to strengthen the role of man in the life of society, including in the field of law-making. Prospects for the development of law formation in Ukraine are elucidated, their generalization within the set of directions for the development of law formation has been made, and their content has been disclosed. Communicative institutional approach to knowledge of human law-making subjects will help identify prerequisites for communicative interaction between individuals, factors that affect them, including the law through the prism of their strengths, weaknesses, ways to improve, identify those aspects that determine benefits and disadvantages of the existing state of communication between the actors. In addition, a specified the methodological approach is able to set the features of these properties of human in close interaction among them.

Authors and Affiliations

Тарас Олегович Дідич


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Тарас Олегович Дідич (2017). Перспективи розвитку правоутворення в Україні: комунікативно-інституційний підхід до аналізу. Вісник Луганського державного університету внутрішніх справ імені Е.О. Дідоренка, 78(2), 20-29. https://europub.co.uk/articles/-A-416871