Pesticides induced oxidative stress and histomorphological changes in liver and kidney of female Bandicota bengalensis and Tateraindica
Journal Title: Journal of Applied and Natural Science - Year 2017, Vol 9, Issue 2
The liver and kidney of female Bandicota bengalensis and Tatera indica rats collected from Bathinda region of south west region of Punjab were used to investigate the toxic effects of these pesticides. Levels of total proteins decreased in all the rats collected from study area. Activity levels of different OS parameters: catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione transferase (GST), glutathione reductase (GR) and glutathione peroxidise (GPx) were differentially altered and the product of oxidation namely, malondialdehyde increased in liver (11.05±0.18, 9.02±0.26 in control rats increased to 11.60±0.10, 9.43±2.58 in study area B. bengalensis and T. indica rats respectively) and kidney (10.03±0.44, 8.68±0.24 in control rats increased to 10.18±0.72, 8.92±4.34 in study area B. bengalensis and T. indica rats respectively) of rats collected from study area as compared to control rats. Histomorphological studies further revealed number of abnormalities as infiltration, vacuolization, enlarged sinusoids and necrosis in liver of Bathinda rats, while renal histo architecture of kidney showed high degeneration of glomeruli. The results infer that environmental contaminants mainly pesticides leads to number of pathophysiological conditions in the liver and kidney and for altering antioxidant defence system in rats inhabiting south- west region of Punjab.
Authors and Affiliations
Shasta Kalra, Gurinder Kaur Sangha
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