Petrografia żwirów i eratyki przewodnie w osadach wodnolodowcowych jako przesłanki wnioskowania na temat źródeł i kierunków transportu materiału w obszarze między Piotrkowem Trybunalskim, Radomskiem a Przedborzem
Journal Title: Acta Geographica Lodziensia - Year 2015, Vol 103, Issue
The article presents petrographic features of medium (4–10 mm) and coarse (20–60 mm) gravels for 64 samples from 28 sites together with TGZ (Theoretical Gravel Centre) index for 7 sites. It have been found that in the investigated area in glaciofluvial sediments petrography is generally similar. Also pointed was, that in the finer gravel fraction the Lower Palaeozoic limestones are rare, however crystalline and flint rocks are more evident. Petrography of the coarse gravel fraction proves that before the ice-sheet reached the Northern Polish Upland slopes, it must have moved along outcrops in the South- East Sweden and the Baltic floor. The connected TGZ index of the sediments investigated lies within 16,4–17,0°E and 57,5– 58,7°N coordinates.
Authors and Affiliations
Maria Górska-Zabielska, Lucyna Wachecka-Kotkowska
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