Pharmacognostical and Phytochemical Standardization of Shatpushpadi Taila - An Ayurvedic Polyherbal Formulation
Journal Title: International Journal of Ayurveda and Pharmaceutical Chemistry - Year 2014, Vol 1, Issue 1
Kashyapa has vividly described the effect of Shatapushpadi taila on Beejotsarga in the chapter Shatapushpa-Shatavari Kalapadhyaya. It is used in the management of Vandhyatva (anovulation) and helps in “Rutupravartana” which indicates both Artavajanana and Beejotsarga. 1 The present work was carried out to standardize the finished product Shatpushpadi taila to confirm its identity, quality and purity. There has been an increase in demand for the Phyto-pharmaceutical products of Ayurveda so a new pharmaceutical preparation in the form of Shatpushpadi taila was tried to standardize which is economical in terms of time and machinery usage. Pharmacognostical and phyto-chemical observations revealed the specific characters of all active constituents used in the preparation. The presence of oil globules, starch with prismatic crystals, cork cells, were the characteristic features observed in the microscopy of drug combination. Refractive index of Shatpushpadi taila was found 1.4860., specific gravity 0.9104, iodine value 101.97, saponification value 220.85 and acid value is 3.28.
Authors and Affiliations
Jatinder Kour, Shilpa B. Donga, Harisha C. R. , Shukla V. J.
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